Case studies

NARS reduces campaign prep time by 75%

Streamlining creativity: How NARS transformed campaign production

NARS, a globally recognized cosmetics brand, faced growing pressure to produce high-quality campaign visuals in the fast-paced beauty industry. The challenges began at the briefing stage, where a manual PowerPoint process took 1.5 hours per request, followed by multiple rounds of clarifications.

Adding to the complexity, NARS’s ever-expanding product catalog and frequent promotional activities required meticulous branding consistency across all sales channels. To maintain their competitive edge, they needed a solution to streamline workflows, reduce repetitive tasks, and enhance productivity.

The challenges: The bottlenecks holding NARS back

NARS encountered several obstacles in their creative production workflow:

  1. Time-consuming briefing process: The lengthy manual briefing process slowed down production and often led to miscommunication. Each campaign required a PowerPoint brief, taking 1.5 hours per request, followed by rounds of clarifications.
  2. Inconsistent visuals: A lack of standardization across product images and design elements caused size mismatches and inconsistent visual effects.
  3. Overwhelmed design team: Designers were burdened with repetitive tasks, leaving little time for creative or strategic projects.
  4. Missed opportunities: Marketing and sales teams were fully dependent on designers for visual updates.

The solution: Automation and standardization - a game-changer for NARS

Dipp introduced a tailored solution to address these challenges:

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  1. Structured briefs: Dipp reimagined the briefing process, implementing a clear and organized system that reduced preparation time and minimized back-and-forth clarifications.
  2. Standardized product assets: Product images were resized to scale, ensuring consistent visual representation across campaigns.
  3. Automated campaign generation: Non-design teams could now generate visuals by populating layouts via spreadsheets, eliminating the reliance on designers for repetitive tasks.
  4. Streamlined collaboration: Sales and marketing teams gained the autonomy to create product bundles and giveaways independently, freeing up designers to focus on high-impact projects.


The results

By leveraging dipp’s creative automation, NARS achieved the following:

  • 75% reduction in campaign prep time: The new process significantly cut briefing and production time, enabling faster go-to-market execution.
  • Increased workflow efficiency: Non-design teams were empowered to produce visuals independently, easing the load on designers and accelerating campaign execution.
  • Enhanced visual consistency: Standardized imagery and templates ensured cohesive branding across all campaigns.
  • Empowered Creativity: Freed from repetitive tasks, designers focused on innovation and delivering impactful visuals for major launches.


NARS’s partnership with dipp revolutionized its approach to campaign visual production. By reducing inefficiencies, standardizing processes, and empowering non-design teams, NARS not only saved time but also enhanced its creative output. 

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