dipp | A centralized hub for your CreativeOps

How JASPAL's ecommerce production teams became entirely self sufficient

Written by Mikhail Abramov | Sep 30, 2024 2:56:19 AM

Creative automation brings much-needed efficiency to fast-paced e-commerce operation

Jaspal is a Thai holding company of many fashion brands broken into separate business units. While their business units are separated by domestic vs foreign brands, all the creatives were handled by two in-house designers.

The problem

As we’ve talked in our article on how to establish design patterns, one of the first things we do during onboarding is reviewing past creative and discovering repeating patterns. For Jaspal, this was a very straightforward task as most of their visual requirements were resizing original product photography, adding logos to product photography, filling out sizing charts and custom file naming. Side note, file naming was so important, that Jaspal employed one full-time position for this task. As one can imagine, such tasks are performed manually, they are very mundane and very resource consuming. 




With patterns set up into re-usable layouts, the next step was to turn them into re-usable layouts. Layouts for product thumbnails and sizing charts all set up on dipp’s platform, all Jaspal had to do going forward was to upload a spreadsheet file to populate these re-usable layouts and have finished visuals in minutes. 

The solution

Now our spreadsheet-to-image process allows Jaspal’s business units to process product visuals at lightning speed. All products within the visuals are sized and aligned consistently. On top of that, all production is done in-house and without any request queues. While re-sizing and adding logos is indeed a snap, the real winner here is the custom batch file naming. 

Jaspal produces 100s of images a week, and renaming all of them to follow a custom SEO-friendly format is a job of it’s own. One of our features Jaspal found particularly useful was batch-custom naming. Jaspal was able to save 2 full-time worth of resources as they were able to batch-produce visuals and batch-rename all of their files to be SEO friendly in jiffy.


Sure, tasks like re-sizing product images and re-naming files are very simple and straight-forward, but that does not mean they are not resource-consuming. With dipp’s platform, teams can all but remove the resource drain from monotonous tasks like re-sizing images and re-naming files when preparing for product launch.